Trick-Or-Treat Crossing Costume
So, your lil one LOVES trains? We have the perfect DIY for your Family Train Halloween Costume!

What you need to make this DIY:
- (4 of these) 1/4 x 3 x 24″ wood boards. We used this (You can also purchase these as single boards at Hobby Lobby)
- Nylon Strap (We used this same strap material for the Train DIY project)
- Staple Gun and staples
- Hot Glue + Glue Gun (I like the high temp guns with Large glue sticks!)
- Paper Cutter
- Our “Trick – or – Treat Crossing” Template
Now that you have all your supplies, let’s get crafting!
Step 1. Find Center of Boards
If you purchase the same boards as we linked above, the center is 12″ from each end. If your board is 3″ wide, you will make lines 1.5″ on each side of the center point (as shown in photo below). Do this for each board.

Step 2: Staple Boards Together
Align the center of two boards together and staple, but I have a little trick that you do Not want to skip! Before you staple the boards together, put a piece of sand paper (or any piece of paper folded up a few times) between your boards. When you are finished, your boards will have JUST enough space between them for you to slide the ends of your “Trick-or-Treat” and “Crossing” paper between them. (I promise, you will thank me for this tip later!) Make sure to staple at the center of the boards and not on the edge so you can slide that paper under without them getting stuck on the staples.
Repeat this for the other two boards so you have two matching “x” shaped signs.

Step 3: Staple Straps onto Signs
You can do this one of two ways. You can staple place one sign on top of another and staple the top of the front sign directly to the one behind it, but if your shoulders are not wide enough, your shoulders will not be able to hold up the signs. What we chose to do was staple the front right corner of the “x” to the back left corner of the “x”. We then staples the front left corner of the “x” to the back right corner of the “x”. This made and “x” shape in the strap so it would fit without it being too wide and falling off of your shoulders. Here is what it looks like from the back!

Step 4. Add “Trick – or- Treat Crossing”
Your last step will be to print 2 copies of my “Trick or Treat Crossing” Template Here. If you do not have a Free Canva account you will need to create an account, but you do not need to purchase the Canva Program to get this free printable. (I have updated the template since these photos were taken so the “OR” is on the same page as the “Trick” portion.)
Once you have them printed, Cut apart the “Treat” and “Trick or” and the “Cros” and “sing” words. It’s easiest to use a paper cutter, but a scissors will work just fine if you don’t have one. You will also need one additional piece of blank paper to use on the ends of the board. Because these boards are 24″ each, the 11″ paper only covers 22″ of the board so you need to add about 2″ of blank paper to the end of each corner for the word Crossing.

Next you will grab that hot glue gun again and start attaching the paper sign to the wooden “x”. Pro-tip: Make sure the “T” from Trick and the “G” from Crossing are on the TOP ends. If you put the “C” from crossing on the top it will end up being upside down. You will have to take off the “Crossing” wording and redo it. Umm…don’t ask me how I know!

Fold the paper around the edge of each board and glue the paper to the side. Remember to add the blank paper to the ends of “crossing” before gluing down the word. Don’t ask me how I know that either!

When you are finished this is what your sign should look!
Now you are all set to take your adorable costume out for some Trick-or-Treating! Your neighbors will think you and your lil one are totally adorable (because you are!) and they will not believe that you made your costumes! Pat yourself on the back, mama! You did a great job!
If you would like to order a matching personalized hat for yourself in the adult size we have them available in our shop along with the entire train engineer costume for your lil one! Stop by our shop and take a look around!
Let me know if you have any questions or if you want to share how this DIY worked for you. I’d love to hear how it went!