Don’t Forget About Self Care
While party planning can sometimes be stressful, make sure you remember who you a planning the party for! Your lil one is such a huge blessing and it’s important not to forget that the party is all about celebrating him! This amazing little person you get to celebrate with friends and family. Don’t get so bogged down with the details that you forget to have fun along the way. Your little train engineer is looking to you to set the tone, so make sure that you are taking time to enjoy yourself.
Remember this one thing:
Be present!
Planning a party can take a lot out of you so it’s important that you take extra time to care for yourself before the party and while planning. This can mean getting a massage, taking a walk, or even taking 5 minutes to sit in silence and focus on your breath. All of these things can help you be more present in your body which will make you more present for your family (and guests)!
How can I make time for self care?
Your to do list is so long that the last thing you want is to add another thing to the list, right? How could you possibly find time to do one more thing besides the absolute essentials? The trick here is understanding how important it is for you to take time for yourself. If you do not take care of yourself you will soon be unable to finish any other tasks on your list. I promise, taking a 10-15 minute pause in your planning will be the biggest help to getting your task list done!
What are the most effective forms of self care?
This all depends on you! You get to take some time and figure out what makes you feel the most refreshed and rejuvenated in your day. Do you enjoy spending time outdoors? Maybe a quick stroll around the block is just what you need! Does the idea of some pampering make you feel refreshed? Head to your favorite nail salon for a quick mani-pedi! The list of self care ideas is endless but here are a few of my favorites:
5 Top Ideas for Self Care:
• Sit in silence in a comfortable space for 5-10 minutes (Trust me! This is enough time to refocus your thoughts!)
• Journal for 5-10 minutes (whatever comes to your mind write it down. Nothing is right or wrong to write down.)
• Step outside and take a 15-20 minute walk.
• A Classic and effective choice: a 20 minute nap. Go ahead. You have permission to take a quick snooze!
• Make a cup of your favorite coffee or tea and read part of that book you have been wanting to read. It will get your mind off of your to-do list and will refresh your mind.
Whatever it is that helps you feel the most refreshed and alive, take 5-30 minutes to focus on you and what you need. Schedule in self care on a regular basis because you need to be cared for and loved well. I promise that taking the time to love on yourself will not only allow you to be present at the party you are planning, but it will also allow you to be present in your life. Give yourself the gift of your own thoughts and time. You are worth the time and effort!