Simple DIY Train Costume
You HAVE to try your hand at this DIY Train Costume this Halloween! You can make it as intricate or as simplistic as you want or as time allows (I’m talking to you all my fellow procrastinator friends!).

Your Supply List:
- Cardboard Box (Large enough to fit your lil engineer) (We used this box, but obviously, only purchase these if you need these diapers!)
- Straight Edge for Marking Lines (What we used here)
- Measuring Tape/Ruler for Measuring Elements of this DIY
- Extra Cardboard for Wheels or 6 Sturdy Paper Plates
- Download and Print Free Train Wheel Download Pink Wheels, Blue Wheels, Yellow Wheels
- Colored Vinyl for Covering Body of Train (I love that this vinyl it has a grid on back!)
- Second Color Vinyl for Accents and Number/Name on Side (I used this vinyl)
- Third Color Vinyl for Cowcatcher (Frame in front of train) (I used this vinyl)
- Funnel or Plastic Cup for Smoke Stack
- Washi Tape for covering funnel
- Straps for Keeping Train on Shoulders
- Hot Glue Gun (I like the High-Temp glue gun for these heavy duty projects)
- Glue Sticks
- X-ACTO Knife
- E6000 Glue
- Empty Shoe Box
- Train Hat (Red) (Pink)
- Train Whistle (Our Personalized 4-Tone Train Whistles available Here)
- Bandana
- Trick-Or-Treat Bucket
I linked the exact products I used for this DIY above, but you can use whatever you have at home! Also, feel free to make this train in whatever color your lil engineer would like best. No need to make it exactly like I did in this DIY! Now, let’s get this project started!
Step 1: Making the Train Body
Cut Box to Size
For this project, I chose a large diaper box. Diaper, wipes, or printer paper boxes are really sturdy so work really well for the train body. Whatever box you choose, make sure your lil engineer will fit width-wise before starting.
I measured 11.5″ from the top of my box and drew a line for where to cut. Do NOT toss the excess box section you cut off because we will use it later to make the cow catcher!

Cut hole in top of box for your engineer to stand through.
Grab your shoebox and put it on top of the train body box. This will create the tall portion of the train that will sit behind your little train engineer. Draw a line here with permanent marker and cut with XACTO knife. I made this hole 7.5″ wide to fit my lil train-lover.

Cut Shoe Box to Size
If your shoebox is too wide for the train body box, here’s a simple fix. Take a straight edge and cut your shoebox in half. Slide one side of the box inside the other until the shoe box is the right size for the train box top. Once it’s the right size, take the two pieces together with sturdy packing tape! Do NOT take this section to the train body yet. We will cover the train body and the shoe box with vinyl before connecting them together.

Create hole for funnel
Yep, I did this step before covering the box with colored vinyl. You will create a hole in the train body box top on the opposite side as the shoe box. Find the center and trace your funnel stem. Cut with XACTO knife and make sure funnel fits well into the hole.

Step 2: Cover Boxes with Colored Vinyl
Tips and Tricks to Covering your Box with Vinyl
Did you already attach the shoebox to the train body box? I hope not! This step will be super easy if you kept them separate. I first covered the train body box (diaper box) then the shoe box. After they were both covered I used hot glue to hold them together.
A tip for making the corners smooth and even is to cut the vinyl longer than the box side you are covering. Cut the vinyl along the edge then fold the vinyl on adjacent side. This will leave a clean edge and the corners will not look crushed from the excess vinyl. (See photos below!)
This is also when I cut the hole into the vinyl for the funnel. It’s really simple if you already cut the hole for the funnel stem!

Step 3. Add Decoration to Funnel and Train Body

Print and cut your numbers for sides.
For the lines and number on the box sides I used a second color of vinyl (pink). Roll out your vinyl to see how long you want the lines and cut 1″ wide strips (4 of each length to have enough for both sides of the train). I made (4x) 16″, (4x) 9″, (4x) 5″, (4x) 3.5″ strips including the strips for the side of the shoe box. I also cut the number “2” out of this same vinyl.
Cut Number for Side
Print a 4.5″ number 2 (or whatever number you choose) and trace it face down on the back of the vinyl. This makes it easier to trace and not have to worry about getting permanent marker on the vinyl.
I used a shiny gold Washi tape to cover the funnel. I love the little hint of sparkle it gives the train but again, you can use whatever color wash tape you like best!

Step 4: Add Wheels

Print Your Train Wheels!
Download FREE Pink Train Wheel Template. These fit perfectly inside 7″ paper plates.
Download FREE Blue Train Wheel Template Here. These are also designed to fit 7″ paper plates.
Download FREE Yellow Train Wheel Template Here. These also fit 7″ paper plates.
Cut out Train Wheels and glue to inside of paper plate. Using a glue stick will help avoid bubbling under the paper.
Hot Glue 3 Plates to Each Side of Train
Now, here’s a simple step for you. Grab 6 black paper plates (or 4 if you want 2 wheels on each side) and hot glue 3 to each side of the train. The hot glue holds really well to the vinyl and paper so they will have no problem staying attached all through trick or treating.
Step 5. Create Cow Catcher

Create the Cowcatcher
What? You don’t know what a cow catcher is? No worries. I didn’t know that was the name either. The gold and black frame on the front is the cowcatcher and, seriously, finished the entire train! You can skip this part, but since you have come this far, you may as well finish with a bang!
Draw and Cut the Cowcatcher
I honestly just eye-balled this. The top portion is 11.5″, the Botton is 18″ and the height is 7″. I used my XACTO knife to score (lightly cut) the back of the center of this piece so it would fold back easily and create a straight line. Whatever shape you choose to make your cowcatcher that tip to give it a nice, straight front edge!

Cover Cowcatcher with 3rd Color Vinyl
This was a very simple step. I used a section of cardboard that already had a crease, so it has some bumpiness on the front but I don’t mind that!

Add Color Block Triangles
Here is where your drawing skills will shin! I used my straight edge to make these triangles but didn’t worry about measuring. You can draw yours similar to mine to get this look then color them in with black permanent marker. Worked great!

Hot Glue Cow Catcher to Train Front
I LOVE me some hot glue! I set my glue gun to the high heat setting and went to town! Don’t be shy with the glue. You want to make sure this thing stays in place!
Step 6. Add Smoke and Wheel Rods

Make Rods to Wheels
This is an extra step that does not need to be done, but really makes the train look next level (IMHO). To do this I used a left over parts of the box and cut (4X) 1″x9″ strips. You will need 4 strips to make the rods for both sides of the trai.

Cover Strips with Vinyl
Cut out 4 strips of vinyl that are 2″ x 10″ each. You can wrap each of the rods with vinyl covering all sides. Then just hot glue the ends of each rod to the wheels. You will need to hold them in place for about 30 seconds before letting go to make sure they have a good hold.

Hot Glue Polyfil into funnel
Grab a good size clump of polyfil and hot glue to the inside of the funnel. Make sure to grab more than you think you will need. Your lil engineer will probably like tugging on this so if you have more than you need it won’t matter if some gets pulled out!

Now, Let’s Add the Straps!
Use a really sturdy strap so it won’t hurt your lil engineer’s shoulders. I used a 1″ nylon strap which is wide enough that it doesn’t dig into little shoulders!
Take a minute with your little engineer inside the train to measure the length of straps you will need. We needed 25″ for each strap (50″ all together). We used E6000glue to attach the straps inside the box. If you haven’t used E6000 glue before, let me introduce you! It will become you go-to glue for all of your heavy-duty jobs! It’s so strong that I use it for many heavy duty projects around our house! (No, this is not a sponsored post. I just love this glue!)

Add a Working Light!
This was THE highlight of the entire train costume for Sophia! She squealed when she realized she could turn on the light with a quick push! You can skip this step, but your lil engineer will love this extra feature (and it’s super handy if your Trick-or-Treat event is in the evening)! I used these lights which were really bright and easy enough for our almost 2 year old to turn on by herself.

Step 7. Add that WOW Factor!
Now that you have the MOST adorable train for your lil engineer, you have to grab the most perfect accessories! We have been personalizing these hats and whistles for over 10 years and they are consistently a FAVORITE for our train-loving Trick-Or-Treaters! This year, we have added these adorable Trick-or-Treat bins to our shop and they have already been flying out of our studio!

You can find all of these items in our shop, so make sure to head on over and take a look!
We have these hats and bins available in the shop as well as well!
I absolutely LOVED making this train and it turned out even better that I hoped! If you are looking to make this a family themed Halloween Costume, check out our “Trick-or-Treat Crossing Costume” post where I show you how to make the most adorable Adult Train-themed costume!